Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten



C.-J. Estler
und H.P.T. Ammon
Die Wirkung von Morphin auf den Gehalt des Gehirns an Stoffwechselzwischenproduktionen
J. Neurochem. 11, 511-515, 1964
C.-J. Estler, H.P.T. Ammon
und H. Breining
Biochemische und histologishe Veränderungen in der Leber weißer Mäuse bei hämmorrhagischer Septikämie
Virchows Arch. Pathol. Anat. 339, 10-16, 19
H.P.T. Ammon,
C.-J. Estler
und F. Heim
Der Einfluß von Äthylalkohol auf den Kohlenhydrat- und Energiestoffwechsel des Gehirns weißer Mäuse
Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 154, 108-122, 1965
F. Heim, H.P.T. Ammon,
C.-J. Estler
und D. Mikschiczek
Funktion und Stoffwechsel des Gehirns unter Einwirkung niedriger Alkoholkonzentrationen
Med. Pharmacol. Exp. 13, 361-370, 1965
C.-J. Estler
und H.P.T. Ammon
Phosphorylaseaktivität und Glykogengehalt des Gehirns unter dem Einfluß von Äthanol und Adrenalin
J. Neurochem. 12, 871-876, 1965
H.P.T. Ammon und W. Zeller Der Einfluß von β-Pyridylcarbinol auf die durch Alkohol erzeugte Fettleber der Ratte
Arzneim.-Forsch. 15, 1369-1371, 1965
C.-J. Estler
und H.P.T. Ammon
Der Gehalt des Gehirns an energiereichen Phosphaten und Zwischenprodukten der Glykolyse bei akuter Hyperglykämie
Biochem. Z. 416-422, 1965
H.P.T. Ammon, C.-J. Estler
und F. Heim
Akute Äthanolvergiftung und Leberstoffwechsel
Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 159, 258-268, 1966
H.P.T. Ammon und C.-J. Estler Tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen zur Pathogenese der Fettleber nach chronischer Alkoholverabreichung
Klin. Wochenschrift 44, 650-651, 1966
F. Heim, C.-J. Estler,
H.P.T. Ammon und D. Picker
Der Einfluß von Trichloräthylen auf den Gehalt des Gehirns weißer Mäuse mit energiereichen Phosphaten, Coenzym A und Metaboliten des glykolytischen Kohlenhydratstoffwechsels
Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 162, 311-318, 1966
H.P.T. Ammon, C.-J. Estler,
W. Zeller und R. Pfeiffer
Zeitlicher Zusammenhang zwischen Blutalkoholspiegel und Änderungen des Lipidgehaltes in Blut und Leber
Med. Pharmacol. Exp. 15, 585-592, 1966
F. Heim, C.-J. Estler,
H.P.T. Ammon und U. Hähnel
Der Metabolitgehalt der Leber weißer Mäuse bei akuter Trichloräthylenvergiftung
Med. Pharmacol. Exp. 15, 116-122, 1966
W. Zeller, H. Schön, H. Wüst,
U. Anders und H.P.T. Ammon
Untersuchungen über die Behandlung der hyperlipämischen Atherosklerose und der Leberepithelverfettung mit β-Pyridylcarbinol
Klin. Wochenschrift 44, 1022-1028, 1966
C.-J. Estler
und H.P.T. Ammon
Glutathion und SH-gruppenhaltige Enzyme in der Leber weißer Mäuse nach einmaliger Alkoholabgabe
Med. Pharmacol. Exp. 15, 299-306, 1966
C.-J. Estler, O. Strubelt und H.P.T. Ammon Der Einfluß adrenerger β-Blockade auf die Wärmebildung bei akuter Kälteexposition
Pfluegers Arch. Gesamte Physiol. 289, 227-236, 1966
F. Heim, C.-J. Estler, H.P.T. Ammon und U.D. Wiedemann Stoffwechsel des Gehirns unter dem Einfluß von Methanol
J. Neurochem. 13, 1495-1500, 1966
C.-J. Estler
and H.P.T. Ammon
Deposition of fat in the liver following administration of caffeine
Experientia 22, 589-592, 1966
C.-J. Estler
and H.P.T. Ammon
The influence of the β-sympathicolytic agent propranolol on glycogenolysis and glycolysis in muscle, brain and liver of white mice
Biochem. Pharmacol. 15, 2031-2035, 1966
H.P.T. Ammon und C.-J. Estler Die Abhängigkeit der Änderungen des Lipidgehaltes von Blut und Leber von der Alkoholkonzentration im Blut
Arzneim.-Forsch. 17, 66-69, 1967
C.-J. Estler
and H.P.T. Ammon
The influence of β-adrenergic blockade on the ethanol-induced derangement of lipid transport
Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 166, 333-341, 1967
C.-J. Estler
und H.P.T. Ammon
Der Einfluß des Äthylalkohols und eines β-Sympathikolytikums auf den Eisengehalt von Leber,
Milz und Serum und die Eisenbindungskapazität des Serums
Arzneim.-Forsch. 17, 69-70, 1967
C.-J. Estler
und H.P.T. Ammon
Der Einfluß adrenerger β-Blockade auf die durch Chloroform verursachte Fetteinlagerung in der Leber
Z. Gesamte Exp. Med. 142, 117-122, 1967
H.P.T. Ammon, C.-J. Estler
und F. Heim
Der Einfluß von Acetaldehyd auf Coenzym A-Aktivität und Atmung von Leber- und Hirnmitochondrien
Biochem. Pharmacol. 16, 769-776, 1967
H.P.T. Ammon and C.-J. Estler The effect of nicotinic acid on glycolytic carbohydrate breakdown in the liver
Life Sci. 6, 641-647, 1967
H.P.T. Ammon, F. Heim, C.-J. Estler, G. Fickeis and M. Wagner The influence of aliphatic alcohols, aldehydes and their halogen derivatives on the Coenzyme A in the liver of mice
Biochem. Pharmacol. 16, 1533-1537, 1967
W. Zeller und H.P.T. Ammon Der Einfluß von Coffein auf den Fettstoffwechsel bei Leberkranken
Z. Gastroenterol. 5, 84-89, 1967
C.-J. Estler
und H.P.T. Ammon
Der Einfluß von Propranolol auf die durch Metamphetamin verursachten Änderungen von Funktion und Stoffwechsel des Gehirns
J. Neurochem. 14, 799-805, 1967
H.P.T. Ammon and C.-J. Estler Influence of acute chronic administration of alcohol on carbohydrate breakdown and energy metabolism in the liver
Nature 216, 150-159, 1967
H.P.T. Ammon and C.-J. Estler Inhibition of ethanol-induced gylcogenolysis in brain and liver by adrenergic -blockade
J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 20, 164-165, 1968
H.P.T. Ammon, C.-J. Estler
and F. Heim
Inactivation of coenzyme A by ethanol I. Acetaldehyde as mediator of the inactivation of coenzyme A following the administration of ethanol
Biochem. Pharmacol. 18, 29-33, 1969
H.P.T. Ammon, C.-J. Estler, F. Heim and B. Okoronkwo Different effects of inhibition of lipolysis by nicotinic acid on the rats of glycolytic
carbohydrate breakdown in brain and sceletal muscle
Life Sci. 8, 213-221, 1969
C.-J. Estler
and H.P.T. Ammon
The importance of the adrenergic beta-receptors for the thermogenesis and
survival of acutely cold-exposed mice
Canad. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 47, 427-434, 1969
C.-J. Estler
and H.P.T. Ammon
Potentiation of the anticalorigenic action of the adrenergic beta-receptor
antagonist MJ 1999 by caclic 3,5 AMP
Life Sci. 8, 759-764, 1969
C.-J. Estler
and H.P.T. Ammon
Absence of central nervous system effects of practalol [ICI 50,172; 4-(2-hydroxy-3-isopropylaminopropoxy)-acetanilide], a new adrenergic-receptor blocking drug
J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 21, 554-555, 1969
H.P.T. Ammon and C.-J. Estler The influence of caffeine on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in alloxan-
diabetic mice
Med. Exp. 19, 161-169, 1969
H.P.T. Ammon Alkohol und Puromycin C, zwei sich verstärkende Faktoren bei der Entstehung
der Fettleber
Z. Gesamte Exp. Med. 152, 56-61, 1970
C.-J. Estler
and H.P.T. Ammon
Antagonistic effects of dopa and propranolol on brain glycogen
J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 22, 146-147, 1970
C.-J. Estler, H.P.T. Ammon and B. Lang Ineffectiveness of nicotinic acid to impair thermoregulation in cold-exposed mice
Eur. J. Pharmacol. 9, 257-260, 1970
C.-J. Estler
and H.P.T. Ammon
Inhibition of carbohydrate breakdown in brain by adrenergic beta-receptor blocking drugs: Comparison of INPEA and propranolol
Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 185, 85-88, 1970
H.P.T. Ammon und C.-J. Estler Der Einfluß des Alters bei den Wirkungen des Coffeins auf Funktion und Stoffwechsel des Herzens
Arneim.-Forsch. 20, 471-473, 1970
C.-J. Estler, H.P.T. Ammon und B. Lang Der Einfluß von 3-Methylisoxazol-5-carbonsäure auf Stoffwechsel und Wärm-
bildung kälteexponierter Mäuse
H.P.T. Ammon Additive Wirkung von Alkohol und Eiweißmangel auf die Einlagerung von Fett in die Leber
Acta Hepato-Splenol. 17, 330-344, 1970
C.-J. Estler, H.P.T. Ammon, W. Fickl and H.-N. Fröhlich Substrate supply and energy metabolism of skeletal muscle of mice treated with methamphetamine and propranolol
Biochem. Pharmacol. 19, 2957-2963, 1970
C.-J. Estler
and H.P.T. Ammon
Modification by two beta-adrenergic blocking drugs of the effects of methamphetamine on behaviour and brain metabolism of mice
J. Neurochem. 18, 777-779, 1970
C.-J. Estler, H.P.T. Ammon und F. Heim Metaboliten des Kohlenhydratstoffwechsels und energiereiche Phosphate im Gehirn
weißer Mäuse nach wiederholter Kohlenmonoxydvergiftung
Arch. Toxikol. 27, 124-128, 1971
C.-J. Estler, F. Heim, H.P.T. Ammon und V. Zimmermann Catecholamine-independet glycogenolysis in brain during carbon monoxide poisoning
Pharmacology 5, 55-63, 1971
Heim, B. Hach, P. Mitznegg, H.P.T. Ammon und C.-J. Estler Coffein-antagonistische Wirkungen des Theobromins und coffeinartige Eigenschaften von Theobromin-Metaboliten
Arzneim.-Forsch. 21, 1039-1943, 1971
H.P.T. Ammon and J. Steinke Aminonicotinamide (6-AN) as a diabetogenic agent; in vitro and in vivo studies
in the rat
Diabetes 21, 143-148, 1972
J. Steinke, T.N. Patel and H.P.T. Ammon Relationship between glucose- and tolbutamide-induced insulin release and insulin content in single pancreatic rat islets
Metabolism 21, 465-470, 1972
H.P.T. Ammon and J. Steinke Effect of 6-aminonicotinamide on insulin release and C-14-glucose oxidation by isolated pancreatic rat islets; difference in the mechanism of action between glucose tolbutamide and aminophylline
Endocrinology 91, 33-38, 1972
H.P.T. Ammon, T.N. Patel and J. Steinke The role of the pentose phosphate shunt in glucose induced insulin release: in vitro studies with 6-aminonicotinamide, methylene blue, NAD, NADH, NADP, NADPH and nicotinamide on isolated pancreatic is¬lets
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 297, 352-367, 1973
H.P.T. Ammon, L.A. Carlson, J. Fröberg, C.G. Karlsson and L. Levi Effects of coffein and caffeine on sympathoadreno¬medullary activity, blood lipids, psychological ratings and performance
Rep. Lab. Clin. Stress Res 31, 1973
H.P.T. Ammon, L. Orci and J. Steinke Effect of chlorpromazine (CPZ) on pancreatic is¬lets; inhibition of insulin release in vitro
J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 187, 423-429, 1973
M.J. MacDonald, H.P.T. Ammon, T. Patel and J. Steinke Failure of 6-aminonicotinamide to inhibit potentia¬ting effect of leucine and arginine on glucose-induced insulin release in vitro
Diabetologia 10, 761-765, 1974
H.P.T. Ammon Effect of tolbutamide on aminophylline, 3,5-AMP-dibutyrate- or glucagon-induced insulin release from pancreatic islets after impairment of pyridine nucleotide metabolism caused by 6-aminonicotinamide (6-AN)
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 290, 251-264, 1975
H.P.T. Ammon and E. Verspohl Pyridine nucleotides in pancreatic islets during inhibition of insulin release by exogenous insulin
Endocrinology 99, 1469-1476, 1976
H.P.T. Ammon, R.L. Kaufmann, J. Steinke, C.B. Kahn und J.S. Soeldner Einfluß von Coffein auf den Seruminsulinspiegel während des i.v. Glucosetoleranztestes bei einigen Patienten mit chemischem Diabetes
Z. Ernährungswiss. 15, 151-155, 1976
M.S. Akhtar, E. Verspohl, D. Hegner and H.P.T. Ammon -Phosphogluconate/glucose-6-phosphate ratio in rat pancreatic islets during inhibition of insulin release by exogenous insulin
Diabetes 26, 857-863, 1977
H.P.T. Ammon, M.S. Akhtar, H. Niklas and D. Hegner Inhibition of p-chloromercuribenzoate- and glucose-induced insulin release in vitro by methylene blue, diamide and tert-butyl hydroperoxide
Mol. Pharmcol. 13, 598-605, 1977
C.-J. Estler, H.P.T. Ammon and C. Herzog Swimming capacity of mice after prolonged treatment with psychostimulants
I. Effect of caffeine on swimming performance and cold stress
Psychopharmacology 58, 161-166, 1978
H.P.T. Ammon, M.S. Akhtar, A. Grimm and H. Niklas Effect of methylene blue and thiol oxidants on pancreatic islet GSH/GSSG ratios and tolbutamide mediated insulin release in vitro
Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 307, 91-96, 1979
E.J. Verspohl, M. Händel and H.P.T. Ammon Pentosephosphate shunt activity of rat pancreatic islets: Its dependence on glucose concentration
Endocrinology 105, 1269-1274, 1979
H.P.T. Ammon, E. Hoppe, M.S. Akhtar and H. Niklas Effect of leucine on the pyridine nucleotide con¬tents of islets and on the insulin
release: inter¬actions in vitro with methylene blue, thiol oxi¬dants and p-chloromercuribenzoate
Diabetes 28, 593-599, 1979
H.P.T. Ammon and E.J. Verspohl Effect of methylene blue on pyridine nucleotides and insulin secretion of rat pancreatic islets
Diabetologia 17, 41-44, 1979
E.J. Verspohl and H.P.T. Ammon Evidence for the presence of insulin receptors in rat islets of Langerhans
J. Clin. Invest. 65, 1230-1237, 1980
H.P.T. Ammon, A. Grimm, S. Lutz, D. Wagner-Teschner, M. Händel and I. Hagenloh Islet glutathione and insulin release
Diabetes 29, 830-834, 1980
W. Vierling, H. Gorbahn, H.P.T. Ammon, CJ. Estler Effect of ethanol and toliprolol on the carbohydrate metabolism of the brain and liver
Arzneimittelforschung 773-6, 1980
M.S. Akhtar and H.P.T. Ammon Interaction between tolbutamide and p-chloromercuribenzoate-induced insulin secretion in isolated perfused rat pancreas
Pakistan Vet. J. 1, 5-9, 1981
H.P.T. Ammon, E. Hoppe, R. Eujen and S. Lutz Effect of leucine on GSH levels of rat pancreatic islets
Horm. Metab. Res. 13, 59-62, 1981
H.P.T. Ammon and M. Abdel-Hamid Potentiation of the insulin-releasing capacity of tolbutamide by thiols: Studies on the isolated perfused pancreas
Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch. Pharmacol. 317, 262-267, 1981
E.J. Verspohl and H.P.T. Ammon Binding of insulin to rat pancreatic islets: Compa¬rison between pancreatic human insulin and biosyn¬thetic human insulin
Diabetes Care 4, 252-253, 1981
E.J. Verspohl and H.P.T. Ammon Insulin receptors of rat pancreatic islets: speci¬fity of 125J-insulin binding
Horm. Metab. Res. 14, 464-468, 1982
E.J. Verspohl, D. Schenzle and H.P.T. Ammon Properties of the insulin receptor of rat pancrea¬tic islets
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 716, 258-265, 1982
H.P.T. Ammon, S. Heinzl, A. Abdel-Hamid, H.-M. Kallen¬berger and I. Hagenloh Effect of diamide and reduced glutathione on in¬creases of cyclic AMP in rat pancreatic islets induced by glucose, p-chloromercuribenzoate and aminophylline
Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 319, 243-248, 1982
E.J. Verspohl, M. Händel, I. Hagenloh and H.P.T. Ammon In vitro effect of exogenous insulin on insulin secretion. Studies with glucose, leucine, arginine, aminophylline and tolbutamide
Acta Diabetol. Latina 19, 303-317, 1982
H.P.T. Ammon, R. Hägele, N. Youssif, R. Eujen and N. El-Amri A possible role of intracellular and membrane thiols of rat pancreatic islets for calcium uptake and insulin release
Endocrinology 112, 720-726, 1983
E.J. Verspohl and H.P.T. Ammon Increased insulin binding to pancreatic islets of aged rats
Endocrinology 112, 2147-2151, 1983
H.P.T. Ammon, G. Bumiller, H. Düppenbecker, E. Heinze, S. Lutz and E.J. Verspohl Pentose phosphate shunt, pyridine nucleotides, glutathione, and insulin secretion of fetal islets
Am. J. Physiol. 244, 354-360, 1983
H.P.T. Ammon, P.R. Bieck, D. Mandalaz and E.J. Verspohl Adaptation of blood pressure to continuous heavy coffee-drinking in young volunteers. A double-blind crossover study
Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 15, 701-706, 1983
M. Abdel-Hamid, M.S. Akhtar, E. Hoppe and H.P.T. Ammon
In vitro studies on the role of thiols in insulin secretion induced by leucine and arginine
Bull. Fac. Pharm. 22, 171-181, 1983
H.P.T. Ammon, U. Amm, R. Eujen, E. Hoppe, G. Trier and E.J. Verspohl The role of old age in the effects of glucose on insulin secretion, pentose phosphate shunt activi¬ty, pyridine nucleotides and glutathione of rat pancreatic islets
Life Sci. 34, 247-257, 1984
H.P.T. Ammon, M. Abdel-Hamid, P.G. Rao and G. Enz Thiol-dependent and non-thiol-dependent stimulation of insulin release
Diabetes 33, 251-257, 1984
H.P.T. Ammon and A.B. Müller Effect of forskolin on islet cyclic AMP, insulin secretion, blood glucose and intravenous glucose tolerance in rats
Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 326, 364-367, 1984
H.P.T. Ammon, M.C.M. Melien and Th. Pfäffle Potentiation of glucose-induced insulin release by thiourea and thiourea derivatives
Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 327, 234-237, 1984
H.P.T. Ammon, A. Fahmy, M. Mark, W. Strölin and M.A. Wahl Failure of glucose to affect 86Rb efflux and 45Ca uptake of fetal rat pancreatic islets
J. Physiol. (London) 358, 365-372, 1985
E.J. Verspohl, H.P.T. Ammon, J.A. Williams and I.D. Gold¬fine Evidence that cholecystokinin interacts with speci¬fic recep¬tors and regulates insulin relea¬se in iso¬lated rat islets of Langerhans
Diabetes 35, 38-43 1986
E.J. Verspohl, G. Wunderle, H.P.T. Ammon, J.A. Wil¬li¬ams and I.D. Goldfine Proglumide (gastrin and cholecystokinin receptor an¬tago¬nists) inhibits insulin secretion in vitro
Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 332, 284-287, 1986
E.J. Verspohl, M.C.M. Melien and H.P.T. Ammon Decreased insulin binding to pancreatic islets of gene¬ti¬cal¬ly obese (fa/fa) rats
Diabetes Res. Clin. Practice 2, 59-67, 1986
E.J. Verspohl, U. Berger and H.P.T. Ammon The significance of µ- and -receptors in rat pan¬creatic isles for the opioid-mediated insulin re¬lease
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 888, 217-224, 1986
H.P.T. Ammon, M.C.M. Melien and E.J. Verspohl Pharmacokinetics of intravenously administered glutat¬hio¬ne in the rat
J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 38, 721-725, 1986
H.P.T. Ammon, W. Kühner and N. Youssif Effect of thioloxidant diazene dicarboxylic acid bis-(N'-methylpiperazide) (DIP) on 45Ca2+ net upta¬ke into rat pan¬creatic islets
Cell Calcium 7, 221-231, 1986
H.P.T. Ammon, K.-H. Hehl, G. Enz, A. Setiadi-Ranti and E.J. Verspohl Cysteine analogues potentiate glucose-induced insu¬lin relea¬se in vitro
Diabetes 35, 1390-1396, 1986
N. Youssif and H.P.T. Ammon Potentiation of the locomotor activity of memantine by amino¬phylline
Arzneim. Forsch. 36, 1717-1720, 1986
M. Mark, E. Fitzel, N. Youssif, A.B. Müller, M.I. Ana¬zo¬do and H.P.T. Ammon Effects of propylthiouracil and methylthiouracil on cyclic AMP and ion movements in rat pancreatic islets
Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 335, 194-199 1987
K.-A. Kovar, B. Gropper, D. Friess and H.P.T. Ammon Blood levels of 1,8-cineole and locomotor activity of mice after inhalation and oral administration of rose¬mary oil
Planta Med.53, 315-318, 1987
H.P.T. Ammon, A. Fahmy, M. Mark, M.A. Wahl and N. Yous¬sif The effect of glucose on insulin release and ion move¬ments in isolated pancreatic islets of rats in old age
J. Physiol. (London) 384, 347-354, 1987
E.J. Verspohl, I. Breuning, H.P.T. Ammon and M. Mark Significance of Ca2+, Rb+ fluxes, of cAMP and cGMP for the CCK8-modulated insulin release
Reg. Pept. 17, 229-241, 1987
E.J. Verspohl and H.P.T. Ammon Cholecystokinin (CCK8) regulates glucagon, insulin, and soma¬tostatin secretion from isolated rat pan¬creatic islets: inter¬action with glucose
Pflügers Arch. 40, 284-287, 1987
J.K. Trier, M. Kühn and H.P.T. Ammon Adenylate cyclase in membrane fractions of RIN-A2-cells: Studies with forskolin, NaF, GppnHp and NEM
Cell Biochem. Funct. 6, 131-135, 1988
E.J. Verspohl, P. Kaiser, M. Wahl and H.P.T. Ammon Decreased insulin secretory response of pancreatic islets during culture in the presence of low gluco¬se is associated with diminished 45Ca2+ net uptake, NADPH/¬NADP+ and GSH/GSSG ratio
Life Sci. 43, 209-213, 1988
E.J. Verspohl, G. Wunderle and H.P.T. Ammon Proglumide antagonizes cholecystokinin effects on plas¬ma glucose and insulin in rats in vivo
Eur. J. Pharmacol. 152, 121-128, 1988
H.P.T. Ammon, A. Fuß and E.J. Verspohl Significance of -glutamyl transpeptidase and thiols in amino acid uptake by rat pancreatic is¬lets: studies with glutamine and leucine
Cell Biochem. Funct. 6, 271-274, 1988
E.J. Verspohl, M. Kühn and H.P.T. Ammon RIN m5F (rat insulinoma) cells possess receptors for atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and a functio¬ning cGMP system
Horm. Metabol. Res. 20, 770, 1988
H.Safayhi, M.Kühn, I.Koopmann and H.P.T.Ammon CGS9343B and W7 (calmodulin antagonists) inhibit KCL-induced increase in cytosolic free calcium and insulin secretion of RINm5F cells
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 339, 8-13, 1989
E.J.Verspohl, I.Breuning and H.P.T.Ammon Effect of CCK-8 on pentose phosphat shunt activity, pyridine nucleoti¬des and
glucokinase on rat islets
Am. J. Physiol. 256, E68-E73, 1989
E.J.Verspohl and H.P.T.Ammon Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) acts via specific binding sites on cGMP system of rat
pancreatic islets without affecting insulin release
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 339, 348-353, 1989
H.P.T.Ammon, C.Glocker, R.G.Waldner and M.A.Wahl Insulin release from pancreatic islets of fetal rats mediated by leucin, b-BCH,
tolbutamide, gliben¬clamid, arginine, potassium chloride, and theophyl¬line does not require stimulation of Ca2+ net upta¬ke
Cell Calcium 10, 441-450, 1989
H.P.T.Ammon, S. Klumpp, A. Fuß, E.J. Verspohl, H. Jaesch¬ke, A. Wendel and P. Müller A possible role of plasma glutathione in glucose-mediated insulin secretion: in vitro and in vivo studies in rats
Diabetologia 32, 797-800, 1989
G.B. Singh, S. Singh, M.L. Sharma, O.P. Suri, C.L. Chopra and H.P.T. Ammon Hypotensive activity of 8,24-Euphadien-3-ol (Eu¬phol)
Planta Med. 55, 198
M.I. Anazodo, A.B. Müller, H.Safayhi and H.P.T. Ammon Potentiation of forskolin-induced increase of cAMP by diamide and N-ethylmaleimide in rat pancreatic islets
Horm. Metabol. Res. 22, 61-64, 1990
E.J. Verspohl, H.P.T. Ammon and M. Mark Evidence for more than one binding site for sulfo¬nylureas in insu¬lin-secreting cells
J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 42, 230-235, 1990
E.J. Verspohl, H.P.T. Ammon and M. Klosa Anti-insulin antiserum increases inositol phosphate accumulati¬on in rat pancreatic islets
Biochem. J. 267, 339-342, 1990
M.I. Anazodo and H.P.T. Ammon Thiol reagents (diamide and N-ethylmaleimide) inhi¬bit increase in cAMP in response to glucose and abolish the clonidine-media¬ted attenuation of glucagon-induced cAMP formation in isolated rat pancreatic islets
Sec. Mess.Phosphoprot. 13, 27-36, 1990
M.A. Wahl, K.A. Spenny, H. Safayhi and H.P.T. Ammon Effect of W-7 on ionic fluxes and electrical activity of mouse pancreatic islets
H.P.T. Ammon, C. Reiber and E.J. Verspohl Indirect evidence for short-loop negative feedback of insulin secretion in the rat
J. Endocrinol. 128, 27-34, 1991
H. Safayhi, M.I. Anazodo and H.P.T. Ammon Calmodulin- and Ca2+-insensitive fatty acid methyltrans¬ferase from RINm5F cells. Inhibition by Trifluoperazine and W7
Int. J. Biochem. 23, 769-772, 1991
H. Safayhi, T.Mack and H.P.T. Ammon Protection by boswellic acid against galactosamine/¬endotoxin-indu¬ced hepatitis in mice
Biochem. Pharmacol. 41, 1536-37, 1991
H.P.T. Ammon, T. Mack, G.B. Singh and H. Safayhi Inhibition of leukotriene B4 formation in rat peri¬toneal neu¬trophils by an ethanolic extract of the gum resin exsudate of Boswellia serrata
Planta Med. 57, 203-207, 1991
M.A. Wahl, R.J. Plehn, E.A. Landsbeck, E.J. Verspohl and H.P.T. Ammon Gastrin-releasing peptide augments glucose mediated 45Ca2+ uptake, electrical activity, and insulin se¬cretion of mouse pancreatic islets.
Endocrinology 128, 3247-3252, 1991
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P. Petersen, N. Lembert, P. Zschocke, S. Stenglein, H. Plank, H.P.T. Ammon, H. D. Becker Hydroxymethylated polysulphne for islet macroencapsulation allows rapid diffusion of insulin
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N. Lembert, J. Wesche, P. Petersen, M. Doser, P.Zschocke, H.D. Becker, H.P.T. Ammon Encapsulation of islets in rough surface, hydroxymethylated polysulfone capillaries stimulates
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