Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten
C.-J. Estler und H.P.T. Ammon |
Die Wirkung von Morphin auf den Gehalt des Gehirns an Stoffwechselzwischenproduktionen J. Neurochem. 11, 511-515, 1964 |
C.-J. Estler, H.P.T. Ammon und H. Breining |
Biochemische und histologishe Veränderungen in der Leber weißer Mäuse bei hämmorrhagischer Septikämie Virchows Arch. Pathol. Anat. 339, 10-16, 19 |
H.P.T. Ammon, C.-J. Estler und F. Heim |
Der Einfluß von Äthylalkohol auf den Kohlenhydrat- und Energiestoffwechsel des Gehirns weißer Mäuse Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 154, 108-122, 1965 |
F. Heim, H.P.T. Ammon, C.-J. Estler und D. Mikschiczek |
Funktion und Stoffwechsel des Gehirns unter Einwirkung niedriger Alkoholkonzentrationen Med. Pharmacol. Exp. 13, 361-370, 1965 |
C.-J. Estler und H.P.T. Ammon |
Phosphorylaseaktivität und Glykogengehalt des Gehirns unter dem Einfluß von Äthanol und Adrenalin J. Neurochem. 12, 871-876, 1965 |
H.P.T. Ammon und W. Zeller | Der Einfluß von β-Pyridylcarbinol auf die durch Alkohol erzeugte Fettleber der Ratte Arzneim.-Forsch. 15, 1369-1371, 1965 |
C.-J. Estler und H.P.T. Ammon |
Der Gehalt des Gehirns an energiereichen Phosphaten und Zwischenprodukten der Glykolyse bei akuter Hyperglykämie Biochem. Z. 416-422, 1965 |
H.P.T. Ammon, C.-J. Estler und F. Heim |
Akute Äthanolvergiftung und Leberstoffwechsel Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 159, 258-268, 1966 |
H.P.T. Ammon und C.-J. Estler | Tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen zur Pathogenese der Fettleber nach chronischer Alkoholverabreichung Klin. Wochenschrift 44, 650-651, 1966 |
F. Heim, C.-J. Estler, H.P.T. Ammon und D. Picker |
Der Einfluß von Trichloräthylen auf den Gehalt des Gehirns weißer Mäuse mit energiereichen Phosphaten, Coenzym A und Metaboliten des glykolytischen Kohlenhydratstoffwechsels Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 162, 311-318, 1966 |
H.P.T. Ammon, C.-J. Estler, W. Zeller und R. Pfeiffer |
Zeitlicher Zusammenhang zwischen Blutalkoholspiegel und Änderungen des Lipidgehaltes in Blut und Leber Med. Pharmacol. Exp. 15, 585-592, 1966 |
F. Heim, C.-J. Estler, H.P.T. Ammon und U. Hähnel |
Der Metabolitgehalt der Leber weißer Mäuse bei akuter Trichloräthylenvergiftung Med. Pharmacol. Exp. 15, 116-122, 1966 |
W. Zeller, H. Schön, H. Wüst, U. Anders und H.P.T. Ammon |
Untersuchungen über die Behandlung der hyperlipämischen Atherosklerose und der Leberepithelverfettung mit β-Pyridylcarbinol Klin. Wochenschrift 44, 1022-1028, 1966 |
C.-J. Estler und H.P.T. Ammon |
Glutathion und SH-gruppenhaltige Enzyme in der Leber weißer Mäuse nach einmaliger Alkoholabgabe Med. Pharmacol. Exp. 15, 299-306, 1966 |
C.-J. Estler, O. Strubelt und H.P.T. Ammon | Der Einfluß adrenerger β-Blockade auf die Wärmebildung bei akuter Kälteexposition Pfluegers Arch. Gesamte Physiol. 289, 227-236, 1966 |
F. Heim, C.-J. Estler, H.P.T. Ammon und U.D. Wiedemann | Stoffwechsel des Gehirns unter dem Einfluß von Methanol J. Neurochem. 13, 1495-1500, 1966 |
C.-J. Estler and H.P.T. Ammon |
Deposition of fat in the liver following administration of caffeine Experientia 22, 589-592, 1966 |
C.-J. Estler and H.P.T. Ammon |
The influence of the β-sympathicolytic agent propranolol on glycogenolysis and glycolysis in muscle, brain and liver of white mice Biochem. Pharmacol. 15, 2031-2035, 1966 |
H.P.T. Ammon und C.-J. Estler | Die Abhängigkeit der Änderungen des Lipidgehaltes von Blut und Leber von der Alkoholkonzentration im Blut Arzneim.-Forsch. 17, 66-69, 1967 |
C.-J. Estler and H.P.T. Ammon |
The influence of β-adrenergic blockade on the ethanol-induced derangement of lipid transport Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 166, 333-341, 1967 |
C.-J. Estler und H.P.T. Ammon |
Der Einfluß des Äthylalkohols und eines β-Sympathikolytikums auf den Eisengehalt von Leber, Milz und Serum und die Eisenbindungskapazität des Serums Arzneim.-Forsch. 17, 69-70, 1967 |
C.-J. Estler und H.P.T. Ammon |
Der Einfluß adrenerger β-Blockade auf die durch Chloroform verursachte Fetteinlagerung in der Leber Z. Gesamte Exp. Med. 142, 117-122, 1967 |
H.P.T. Ammon, C.-J. Estler und F. Heim |
Der Einfluß von Acetaldehyd auf Coenzym A-Aktivität und Atmung von Leber- und Hirnmitochondrien Biochem. Pharmacol. 16, 769-776, 1967 |
H.P.T. Ammon and C.-J. Estler | The effect of nicotinic acid on glycolytic carbohydrate breakdown in the liver Life Sci. 6, 641-647, 1967 |
H.P.T. Ammon, F. Heim, C.-J. Estler, G. Fickeis and M. Wagner | The influence of aliphatic alcohols, aldehydes and their halogen derivatives on the Coenzyme A in the liver of mice Biochem. Pharmacol. 16, 1533-1537, 1967 |
W. Zeller und H.P.T. Ammon | Der Einfluß von Coffein auf den Fettstoffwechsel bei Leberkranken Z. Gastroenterol. 5, 84-89, 1967 |
C.-J. Estler und H.P.T. Ammon |
Der Einfluß von Propranolol auf die durch Metamphetamin verursachten Änderungen von Funktion und Stoffwechsel des Gehirns J. Neurochem. 14, 799-805, 1967 |
H.P.T. Ammon and C.-J. Estler | Influence of acute chronic administration of alcohol on carbohydrate breakdown and energy metabolism in the liver Nature 216, 150-159, 1967 |
H.P.T. Ammon and C.-J. Estler | Inhibition of ethanol-induced gylcogenolysis in brain and liver by adrenergic -blockade J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 20, 164-165, 1968 |
H.P.T. Ammon, C.-J. Estler and F. Heim |
Inactivation of coenzyme A by ethanol I. Acetaldehyde as mediator of the inactivation of coenzyme A following the administration of ethanol Biochem. Pharmacol. 18, 29-33, 1969 |
H.P.T. Ammon, C.-J. Estler, F. Heim and B. Okoronkwo | Different effects of inhibition of lipolysis by nicotinic acid on the rats of glycolytic carbohydrate breakdown in brain and sceletal muscle Life Sci. 8, 213-221, 1969 |
C.-J. Estler and H.P.T. Ammon |
The importance of the adrenergic beta-receptors for the thermogenesis and survival of acutely cold-exposed mice Canad. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 47, 427-434, 1969 |
C.-J. Estler and H.P.T. Ammon |
Potentiation of the anticalorigenic action of the adrenergic beta-receptor antagonist MJ 1999 by caclic 3,5 AMP Life Sci. 8, 759-764, 1969 C.-J. Estler and H.P.T. Ammon Absence of central nervous system effects of practalol [ICI 50,172; 4-(2-hydroxy-3-isopropylaminopropoxy)-acetanilide], a new adrenergic-receptor blocking drug J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 21, 554-555, 1969 |
H.P.T. Ammon and C.-J. Estler | The influence of caffeine on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in alloxan- diabetic mice Med. Exp. 19, 161-169, 1969 |
H.P.T. Ammon | Alkohol und Puromycin C, zwei sich verstärkende Faktoren bei der Entstehung der Fettleber Z. Gesamte Exp. Med. 152, 56-61, 1970 |
C.-J. Estler and H.P.T. Ammon |
Antagonistic effects of dopa and propranolol on brain glycogen J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 22, 146-147, 1970 |
C.-J. Estler, H.P.T. Ammon and B. Lang | Ineffectiveness of nicotinic acid to impair thermoregulation in cold-exposed mice Eur. J. Pharmacol. 9, 257-260, 1970 |
C.-J. Estler and H.P.T. Ammon |
Inhibition of carbohydrate breakdown in brain by adrenergic beta-receptor blocking drugs: Comparison of INPEA and propranolol Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 185, 85-88, 1970 |
H.P.T. Ammon und C.-J. Estler | Der Einfluß des Alters bei den Wirkungen des Coffeins auf Funktion und Stoffwechsel des Herzens Arneim.-Forsch. 20, 471-473, 1970 |
C.-J. Estler, H.P.T. Ammon und B. Lang | Der Einfluß von 3-Methylisoxazol-5-carbonsäure auf Stoffwechsel und Wärm- bildung kälteexponierter Mäuse |
H.P.T. Ammon | Additive Wirkung von Alkohol und Eiweißmangel auf die Einlagerung von Fett in die Leber Acta Hepato-Splenol. 17, 330-344, 1970 |
C.-J. Estler, H.P.T. Ammon, W. Fickl and H.-N. Fröhlich | Substrate supply and energy metabolism of skeletal muscle of mice treated with methamphetamine and propranolol Biochem. Pharmacol. 19, 2957-2963, 1970 |
C.-J. Estler and H.P.T. Ammon |
Modification by two beta-adrenergic blocking drugs of the effects of methamphetamine on behaviour and brain metabolism of mice J. Neurochem. 18, 777-779, 1970 |
C.-J. Estler, H.P.T. Ammon und F. Heim | Metaboliten des Kohlenhydratstoffwechsels und energiereiche Phosphate im Gehirn weißer Mäuse nach wiederholter Kohlenmonoxydvergiftung Arch. Toxikol. 27, 124-128, 1971 |
C.-J. Estler, F. Heim, H.P.T. Ammon und V. Zimmermann | Catecholamine-independet glycogenolysis in brain during carbon monoxide poisoning Pharmacology 5, 55-63, 1971 |
Heim, B. Hach, P. Mitznegg, H.P.T. Ammon und C.-J. Estler | Coffein-antagonistische Wirkungen des Theobromins und coffeinartige Eigenschaften von Theobromin-Metaboliten Arzneim.-Forsch. 21, 1039-1943, 1971 |
H.P.T. Ammon and J. Steinke | Aminonicotinamide (6-AN) as a diabetogenic agent; in vitro and in vivo studies in the rat Diabetes 21, 143-148, 1972 |
J. Steinke, T.N. Patel and H.P.T. Ammon | Relationship between glucose- and tolbutamide-induced insulin release and insulin content in single pancreatic rat islets Metabolism 21, 465-470, 1972 |
H.P.T. Ammon and J. Steinke | Effect of 6-aminonicotinamide on insulin release and C-14-glucose oxidation by isolated pancreatic rat islets; difference in the mechanism of action between glucose tolbutamide and aminophylline Endocrinology 91, 33-38, 1972 |
H.P.T. Ammon, T.N. Patel and J. Steinke | The role of the pentose phosphate shunt in glucose induced insulin release: in vitro studies with 6-aminonicotinamide, methylene blue, NAD, NADH, NADP, NADPH and nicotinamide on isolated pancreatic is¬lets Biochim. Biophys. Acta 297, 352-367, 1973 |
H.P.T. Ammon, L.A. Carlson, J. Fröberg, C.G. Karlsson and L. Levi | Effects of coffein and caffeine on sympathoadreno¬medullary activity, blood lipids, psychological ratings and performance Rep. Lab. Clin. Stress Res 31, 1973 |
H.P.T. Ammon, L. Orci and J. Steinke | Effect of chlorpromazine (CPZ) on pancreatic is¬lets; inhibition of insulin release in vitro J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 187, 423-429, 1973 |
M.J. MacDonald, H.P.T. Ammon, T. Patel and J. Steinke | Failure of 6-aminonicotinamide to inhibit potentia¬ting effect of leucine and arginine on glucose-induced insulin release in vitro Diabetologia 10, 761-765, 1974 |
H.P.T. Ammon | Effect of tolbutamide on aminophylline, 3,5-AMP-dibutyrate- or glucagon-induced insulin release from pancreatic islets after impairment of pyridine nucleotide metabolism caused by 6-aminonicotinamide (6-AN) Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 290, 251-264, 1975 |
H.P.T. Ammon and E. Verspohl | Pyridine nucleotides in pancreatic islets during inhibition of insulin release by exogenous insulin Endocrinology 99, 1469-1476, 1976 |
H.P.T. Ammon, R.L. Kaufmann, J. Steinke, C.B. Kahn und J.S. Soeldner | Einfluß von Coffein auf den Seruminsulinspiegel während des i.v. Glucosetoleranztestes bei einigen Patienten mit chemischem Diabetes Z. Ernährungswiss. 15, 151-155, 1976 |
M.S. Akhtar, E. Verspohl, D. Hegner and H.P.T. Ammon | -Phosphogluconate/glucose-6-phosphate ratio in rat pancreatic islets during inhibition of insulin release by exogenous insulin Diabetes 26, 857-863, 1977 |
H.P.T. Ammon, M.S. Akhtar, H. Niklas and D. Hegner | Inhibition of p-chloromercuribenzoate- and glucose-induced insulin release in vitro by methylene blue, diamide and tert-butyl hydroperoxide Mol. Pharmcol. 13, 598-605, 1977 |
C.-J. Estler, H.P.T. Ammon and C. Herzog | Swimming capacity of mice after prolonged treatment with psychostimulants I. Effect of caffeine on swimming performance and cold stress Psychopharmacology 58, 161-166, 1978 |
H.P.T. Ammon, M.S. Akhtar, A. Grimm and H. Niklas | Effect of methylene blue and thiol oxidants on pancreatic islet GSH/GSSG ratios and tolbutamide mediated insulin release in vitro Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 307, 91-96, 1979 |
E.J. Verspohl, M. Händel and H.P.T. Ammon | Pentosephosphate shunt activity of rat pancreatic islets: Its dependence on glucose concentration Endocrinology 105, 1269-1274, 1979 |
H.P.T. Ammon, E. Hoppe, M.S. Akhtar and H. Niklas | Effect of leucine on the pyridine nucleotide con¬tents of islets and on the insulin release: inter¬actions in vitro with methylene blue, thiol oxi¬dants and p-chloromercuribenzoate Diabetes 28, 593-599, 1979 |
H.P.T. Ammon and E.J. Verspohl | Effect of methylene blue on pyridine nucleotides and insulin secretion of rat pancreatic islets Diabetologia 17, 41-44, 1979 |
E.J. Verspohl and H.P.T. Ammon | Evidence for the presence of insulin receptors in rat islets of Langerhans J. Clin. Invest. 65, 1230-1237, 1980 |
H.P.T. Ammon, A. Grimm, S. Lutz, D. Wagner-Teschner, M. Händel and I. Hagenloh | Islet glutathione and insulin release Diabetes 29, 830-834, 1980 |
W. Vierling, H. Gorbahn, H.P.T. Ammon, CJ. Estler | Effect of ethanol and toliprolol on the carbohydrate metabolism of the brain and liver Arzneimittelforschung 773-6, 1980 |
M.S. Akhtar and H.P.T. Ammon | Interaction between tolbutamide and p-chloromercuribenzoate-induced insulin secretion in isolated perfused rat pancreas Pakistan Vet. J. 1, 5-9, 1981 |
H.P.T. Ammon, E. Hoppe, R. Eujen and S. Lutz | Effect of leucine on GSH levels of rat pancreatic islets Horm. Metab. Res. 13, 59-62, 1981 |
H.P.T. Ammon and M. Abdel-Hamid | Potentiation of the insulin-releasing capacity of tolbutamide by thiols: Studies on the isolated perfused pancreas Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch. Pharmacol. 317, 262-267, 1981 |
E.J. Verspohl and H.P.T. Ammon | Binding of insulin to rat pancreatic islets: Compa¬rison between pancreatic human insulin and biosyn¬thetic human insulin Diabetes Care 4, 252-253, 1981 |
E.J. Verspohl and H.P.T. Ammon | Insulin receptors of rat pancreatic islets: speci¬fity of 125J-insulin binding Horm. Metab. Res. 14, 464-468, 1982 |
E.J. Verspohl, D. Schenzle and H.P.T. Ammon | Properties of the insulin receptor of rat pancrea¬tic islets Biochim. Biophys. Acta 716, 258-265, 1982 |
H.P.T. Ammon, S. Heinzl, A. Abdel-Hamid, H.-M. Kallen¬berger and I. Hagenloh | Effect of diamide and reduced glutathione on in¬creases of cyclic AMP in rat pancreatic islets induced by glucose, p-chloromercuribenzoate and aminophylline Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 319, 243-248, 1982 |
E.J. Verspohl, M. Händel, I. Hagenloh and H.P.T. Ammon | In vitro effect of exogenous insulin on insulin secretion. Studies with glucose, leucine, arginine, aminophylline and tolbutamide Acta Diabetol. Latina 19, 303-317, 1982 |
H.P.T. Ammon, R. Hägele, N. Youssif, R. Eujen and N. El-Amri | A possible role of intracellular and membrane thiols of rat pancreatic islets for calcium uptake and insulin release Endocrinology 112, 720-726, 1983 |
E.J. Verspohl and H.P.T. Ammon | Increased insulin binding to pancreatic islets of aged rats Endocrinology 112, 2147-2151, 1983 |
H.P.T. Ammon, G. Bumiller, H. Düppenbecker, E. Heinze, S. Lutz and E.J. Verspohl | Pentose phosphate shunt, pyridine nucleotides, glutathione, and insulin secretion of fetal islets Am. J. Physiol. 244, 354-360, 1983 |
H.P.T. Ammon, P.R. Bieck, D. Mandalaz and E.J. Verspohl | Adaptation of blood pressure to continuous heavy coffee-drinking in young volunteers. A double-blind crossover study Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 15, 701-706, 1983 M. Abdel-Hamid, M.S. Akhtar, E. Hoppe and H.P.T. Ammon In vitro studies on the role of thiols in insulin secretion induced by leucine and arginine Bull. Fac. Pharm. 22, 171-181, 1983 |
H.P.T. Ammon, U. Amm, R. Eujen, E. Hoppe, G. Trier and E.J. Verspohl | The role of old age in the effects of glucose on insulin secretion, pentose phosphate shunt activi¬ty, pyridine nucleotides and glutathione of rat pancreatic islets Life Sci. 34, 247-257, 1984 |
H.P.T. Ammon, M. Abdel-Hamid, P.G. Rao and G. Enz | Thiol-dependent and non-thiol-dependent stimulation of insulin release Diabetes 33, 251-257, 1984 |
H.P.T. Ammon and A.B. Müller | Effect of forskolin on islet cyclic AMP, insulin secretion, blood glucose and intravenous glucose tolerance in rats Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 326, 364-367, 1984 |
H.P.T. Ammon, M.C.M. Melien and Th. Pfäffle | Potentiation of glucose-induced insulin release by thiourea and thiourea derivatives Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 327, 234-237, 1984 |
H.P.T. Ammon, A. Fahmy, M. Mark, W. Strölin and M.A. Wahl | Failure of glucose to affect 86Rb efflux and 45Ca uptake of fetal rat pancreatic islets J. Physiol. (London) 358, 365-372, 1985 |
E.J. Verspohl, H.P.T. Ammon, J.A. Williams and I.D. Gold¬fine | Evidence that cholecystokinin interacts with speci¬fic recep¬tors and regulates insulin relea¬se in iso¬lated rat islets of Langerhans Diabetes 35, 38-43 1986 |
E.J. Verspohl, G. Wunderle, H.P.T. Ammon, J.A. Wil¬li¬ams and I.D. Goldfine | Proglumide (gastrin and cholecystokinin receptor an¬tago¬nists) inhibits insulin secretion in vitro Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 332, 284-287, 1986 |
E.J. Verspohl, M.C.M. Melien and H.P.T. Ammon | Decreased insulin binding to pancreatic islets of gene¬ti¬cal¬ly obese (fa/fa) rats Diabetes Res. Clin. Practice 2, 59-67, 1986 |
E.J. Verspohl, U. Berger and H.P.T. Ammon | The significance of µ- and -receptors in rat pan¬creatic isles for the opioid-mediated insulin re¬lease Biochim. Biophys. Acta 888, 217-224, 1986 |
H.P.T. Ammon, M.C.M. Melien and E.J. Verspohl | Pharmacokinetics of intravenously administered glutat¬hio¬ne in the rat J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 38, 721-725, 1986 |
H.P.T. Ammon, W. Kühner and N. Youssif | Effect of thioloxidant diazene dicarboxylic acid bis-(N'-methylpiperazide) (DIP) on 45Ca2+ net upta¬ke into rat pan¬creatic islets Cell Calcium 7, 221-231, 1986 |
H.P.T. Ammon, K.-H. Hehl, G. Enz, A. Setiadi-Ranti and E.J. Verspohl | Cysteine analogues potentiate glucose-induced insu¬lin relea¬se in vitro Diabetes 35, 1390-1396, 1986 |
N. Youssif and H.P.T. Ammon | Potentiation of the locomotor activity of memantine by amino¬phylline Arzneim. Forsch. 36, 1717-1720, 1986 |
M. Mark, E. Fitzel, N. Youssif, A.B. Müller, M.I. Ana¬zo¬do and H.P.T. Ammon | Effects of propylthiouracil and methylthiouracil on cyclic AMP and ion movements in rat pancreatic islets Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 335, 194-199 1987 |
K.-A. Kovar, B. Gropper, D. Friess and H.P.T. Ammon | Blood levels of 1,8-cineole and locomotor activity of mice after inhalation and oral administration of rose¬mary oil Planta Med.53, 315-318, 1987 |
H.P.T. Ammon, A. Fahmy, M. Mark, M.A. Wahl and N. Yous¬sif | The effect of glucose on insulin release and ion move¬ments in isolated pancreatic islets of rats in old age J. Physiol. (London) 384, 347-354, 1987 |
E.J. Verspohl, I. Breuning, H.P.T. Ammon and M. Mark | Significance of Ca2+, Rb+ fluxes, of cAMP and cGMP for the CCK8-modulated insulin release Reg. Pept. 17, 229-241, 1987 |
E.J. Verspohl and H.P.T. Ammon | Cholecystokinin (CCK8) regulates glucagon, insulin, and soma¬tostatin secretion from isolated rat pan¬creatic islets: inter¬action with glucose Pflügers Arch. 40, 284-287, 1987 |
J.K. Trier, M. Kühn and H.P.T. Ammon | Adenylate cyclase in membrane fractions of RIN-A2-cells: Studies with forskolin, NaF, GppnHp and NEM Cell Biochem. Funct. 6, 131-135, 1988 |
E.J. Verspohl, P. Kaiser, M. Wahl and H.P.T. Ammon | Decreased insulin secretory response of pancreatic islets during culture in the presence of low gluco¬se is associated with diminished 45Ca2+ net uptake, NADPH/¬NADP+ and GSH/GSSG ratio Life Sci. 43, 209-213, 1988 |
E.J. Verspohl, G. Wunderle and H.P.T. Ammon | Proglumide antagonizes cholecystokinin effects on plas¬ma glucose and insulin in rats in vivo Eur. J. Pharmacol. 152, 121-128, 1988 |
H.P.T. Ammon, A. Fuß and E.J. Verspohl | Significance of -glutamyl transpeptidase and thiols in amino acid uptake by rat pancreatic is¬lets: studies with glutamine and leucine Cell Biochem. Funct. 6, 271-274, 1988 |
E.J. Verspohl, M. Kühn and H.P.T. Ammon | RIN m5F (rat insulinoma) cells possess receptors for atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and a functio¬ning cGMP system Horm. Metabol. Res. 20, 770, 1988 |
H.Safayhi, M.Kühn, I.Koopmann and H.P.T.Ammon | CGS9343B and W7 (calmodulin antagonists) inhibit KCL-induced increase in cytosolic free calcium and insulin secretion of RINm5F cells Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 339, 8-13, 1989 |
E.J.Verspohl, I.Breuning and H.P.T.Ammon | Effect of CCK-8 on pentose phosphat shunt activity, pyridine nucleoti¬des and glucokinase on rat islets Am. J. Physiol. 256, E68-E73, 1989 |
E.J.Verspohl and H.P.T.Ammon | Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) acts via specific binding sites on cGMP system of rat pancreatic islets without affecting insulin release Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 339, 348-353, 1989 |
H.P.T.Ammon, C.Glocker, R.G.Waldner and M.A.Wahl | Insulin release from pancreatic islets of fetal rats mediated by leucin, b-BCH, tolbutamide, gliben¬clamid, arginine, potassium chloride, and theophyl¬line does not require stimulation of Ca2+ net upta¬ke Cell Calcium 10, 441-450, 1989 |
H.P.T.Ammon, S. Klumpp, A. Fuß, E.J. Verspohl, H. Jaesch¬ke, A. Wendel and P. Müller | A possible role of plasma glutathione in glucose-mediated insulin secretion: in vitro and in vivo studies in rats Diabetologia 32, 797-800, 1989 |
G.B. Singh, S. Singh, M.L. Sharma, O.P. Suri, C.L. Chopra and H.P.T. Ammon | Hypotensive activity of 8,24-Euphadien-3-ol (Eu¬phol) Planta Med. 55, 198 |
M.I. Anazodo, A.B. Müller, H.Safayhi and H.P.T. Ammon | Potentiation of forskolin-induced increase of cAMP by diamide and N-ethylmaleimide in rat pancreatic islets Horm. Metabol. Res. 22, 61-64, 1990 |
E.J. Verspohl, H.P.T. Ammon and M. Mark | Evidence for more than one binding site for sulfo¬nylureas in insu¬lin-secreting cells J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 42, 230-235, 1990 |
E.J. Verspohl, H.P.T. Ammon and M. Klosa | Anti-insulin antiserum increases inositol phosphate accumulati¬on in rat pancreatic islets Biochem. J. 267, 339-342, 1990 |
M.I. Anazodo and H.P.T. Ammon | Thiol reagents (diamide and N-ethylmaleimide) inhi¬bit increase in cAMP in response to glucose and abolish the clonidine-media¬ted attenuation of glucagon-induced cAMP formation in isolated rat pancreatic islets Sec. Mess.Phosphoprot. 13, 27-36, 1990 |
M.A. Wahl, K.A. Spenny, H. Safayhi and H.P.T. Ammon | Effect of W-7 on ionic fluxes and electrical activity of mouse pancreatic islets |
H.P.T. Ammon, C. Reiber and E.J. Verspohl | Indirect evidence for short-loop negative feedback of insulin secretion in the rat J. Endocrinol. 128, 27-34, 1991 |
H. Safayhi, M.I. Anazodo and H.P.T. Ammon | Calmodulin- and Ca2+-insensitive fatty acid methyltrans¬ferase from RINm5F cells. Inhibition by Trifluoperazine and W7 Int. J. Biochem. 23, 769-772, 1991 |
H. Safayhi, T.Mack and H.P.T. Ammon | Protection by boswellic acid against galactosamine/¬endotoxin-indu¬ced hepatitis in mice Biochem. Pharmacol. 41, 1536-37, 1991 |
H.P.T. Ammon, T. Mack, G.B. Singh and H. Safayhi | Inhibition of leukotriene B4 formation in rat peri¬toneal neu¬trophils by an ethanolic extract of the gum resin exsudate of Boswellia serrata Planta Med. 57, 203-207, 1991 |
M.A. Wahl, R.J. Plehn, E.A. Landsbeck, E.J. Verspohl and H.P.T. Ammon | Gastrin-releasing peptide augments glucose mediated 45Ca2+ uptake, electrical activity, and insulin se¬cretion of mouse pancreatic islets. Endocrinology 128, 3247-3252, 1991 |
H.P.T. Ammon, M.I. Anazodo, H. Safayhi, B.N. Dhawan and R.C. Srimal | Curcumin: a potent inhibitor of leukotriene B4 for¬mation in rat peritoneal polymorphonuclear neutro¬phils (PNLA) Planta Med. 58, 226, 1992 |
A. Wahl, E.A. Landsbeck, H.P.T. Ammon and E.J. Ver¬spohl | Gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP): binding and funct¬ion¬al studies in mouse pancreatic islets. Pancreas 7, 345-351 1992 |
H. Safayhi, T. Mack, J. Sabieraj, M.I. Anazodo, L.R. Subramani¬an and H.P.T. Ammon | Boswellic acids: novel, specific, non-redox inhibi¬tors of 5-lipoxygenase J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 261, 1143-1146, 1992 |
H.P.T. Ammon, P.H. Müller, M. Eggstein, C. Winterman¬tel, B. Aigner, H. Safayhi, M. | Stützle and W. Renn Increase in glucose consumption by N-acetylcysteine during hyperglycemic clamp. A study with healthy volun¬teers. Arzneim.-Forsch. 42, 642-645, 1992 |
M.A. Wahl, R.G. Waldner and H.P.T. Ammon | Potassium permeability of fetal rat pancreatic islets: abnormal sensitivity to glucose Life Sci. 51, 1631-1637, 1992 |
M. Roenfeldt, H. Safayhi and H.P.T. Ammon | KCl-induced insulin secretion from RINm5F cells is mediated through Ca2+ influx along L-type Ca2+ chan¬nels Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 346, 527-531, 1992 |
M.A. Wahl, R.J. Plehn, E.A. Landsbeck, E.J. Verspohl and H.P.T. Ammon | Are ionic fluxes of pancreatic beta cells a target for gastric inhibitory polypeptide Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 90, 117-123, 1992 |
E.J. Verspohl, C. Zoll, M.A. Wahl and H.P.T. Ammon | The role of cholecystokinin (CCK8) on glucose pro¬duction and elimination, and on plasma insulin and glucose in rats Peptides 13, 1091-1095, 1992 |
H. Safayhi, I. Koopmann and H.P.T. Ammon | Insulin secretion without the participation of arachido¬nic acid Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 91, 143-148, 1993 |
H.P.T. Ammon, H. Safayhi, T. Mack and J. Sabieraj | Mechanism of antiinflammatory actions of curcumine and boswellic acids J. Ethnopharmacol. 38, 113-119, 1993 |
M.A. Wahl, S.G. Straub and H.P.T. Ammon | Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-augmented insulin release: actions on ionic fluxes and electrical activity of mouse islets Diabetologia 36, 920-925, 1993 |
E.J. Verspohl, H.P.T. Ammon and M.A. Wahl | Activin A: its effects on rat pancreatic islets and the mechanism of action involved Life Sci. 53, 1069-1078, 1993 |
S. Eisele, H.P.T. Ammon, R. Kindervater, A. Gröbe and W. Göpel | Optimized biosensor for whole blood measurements using a new cellulose based membrane Biosens. Bioelectron. 9, 119-124, 1994 |
H. Safayhi, J. Sabieraj, E.-R. Sailer and H.P.T. Ammon | Chamazulene: An antioxidant-type inhibitor of leu¬kotriene B4 formation Planta Med. 60, 410-413, 1994 |
H.P.T. Ammon, W. Ege, M. Oppermann, W. Göpel and S. Eisele | Improvement in the long-term stability of an ampero¬metric glucose sensor system by introducing a cel¬lulose membrane of bacterial origin. Anal. Chem. 67, 466-471, 1995 |
P. Krippeit-Drews, G. Zempel, H.P.T. Ammon, F. Lang and G. Drews | Effects of membrane-permeant and impermeant thiol reagents on Ca2+ and K+ channel currents of mouse pan¬creatic B-cells. Endocrinology 136, 464-467, 1995 |
P. Krippeit-Drews, K.-D. Kröncke, G. Zempel, M. Roen¬feldt, H.P.T. Ammon, F. Lang | and G. Drews The effects of nitric oxide on the membrane potenti¬al and ionic currents of mouse pancreatic beta cells. Endocrinology 136, 5363-5369, 1995 |
H. Safayhi, E.-R. Sailer and H.P.T. Ammon | Mechanism of 5-Lipoxygenase inhibition by acetyl-11-keto--boswellic acid Mol. Pharmacol. 47, 1212-1216, 1995 |
A. Waheed, I. Koopmann and H.P.T. Ammon | Calmodulin antagonist W7 increases inositol phosphates in insulin secreting RINm5F cells Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. 103, 280-284, 1995 |
H.P.T. Ammon, W. M. Bacher, W.F. Brändle, A.A. Ahmed, A, Waheed | Ionfluxes and metabolism of isolated pancreatic islets after glucose-infusion into rats Endocrinology. 1995 |
E.-R. Sailer, L.R. Subramanian, B. Rall, R.F. Hoern¬lein, H.P.T. Ammon and H. Safayhi | Acetyl-11-keto--boswellic acid (AKBA): structure requirements for binding and 5- lipoxygenase inhibi¬tory activity Br. J. Pharmacol. 117, 615-618, 1996 |
A.M. Pfeifer, G. Tollmann, H.P.T. Ammon and K.-A. Kovar | Identification of adenosine in biological samples by HPTLC-FTIR on-line coupling J. Planar Chromatogr. 9, 31-34, 1996 |
H.P.T. Ammon, J. Sabieraj and R. Kaul | Kamille. Mechanismus der antiphlogistischen Wirkung von Kamillenextrakten und - inhaltsstoffen Dtsch. Apoth. Ztng. 22, 1821-1834, 1966 |
E.-R. Sailer, R.F. Hoernlein, L.R. Subramanian, H.P.T. Ammon and H. Safayhi | Preparation of novel analogues of the nonredox-type non-competitive leukotriene biosynthesis inhibitor AKBA Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem 329, 54-56, 1996 |
H.P.T. Ammon, R.O. Heurich, H.-A. Kolb, F. Lang, R. Schaich, G. Drews and T. Leiers | The phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid blocks KCl-depolarization-induced rise of cytosolic calcium of rat insulinoma cells (RINm5F) Naunyn Schmiederberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 354, 95-101, 1996 |
M. El-Dakhakhny, H.A. Abdel El-Latif and H.P.T. Ammon | Different effects of the antidepressant drugs imi¬pramine, maprotiline and bupropion on insulin se¬cretion from mouse pancreatic islets Arzneim.-Forsch. 46, 667-669, 19 |
M.A. Wahl, K. Anulukanapakorn and H.P.T. Ammon | Effect of a sodium-channel activator (BDF 9148) on insulin secretion in mouse pancreatic islets Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 355,417-421, 1997 |
I. Gupta, A. Parihar, P. Malhotra, GB Singh, R. Lüdtke, | H. Safayhi and H.P.T. Ammon Effects of boswellia serrata gum resin in patients with ulcerative colitis Eur. J. Med. Res. 2, 37-43, 1997 H. Safayhi, B. Rall, E.-R. Sailer and H.P.T. Ammon Inhibition by boswellic acids of human leukocyte elastase J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ter. 281, 460-463, 1997 |
H. Safayhi, H. Haase, U. Kramer, A. Bihlmayer, M. Roen¬feldt, H.P.T. Ammon, | M. Froschmayr, T.N. Cassidy, I. Morano, M.K. Ahlijanian and J. Striessnig L-type calcium channels in insulin-secreting cells: biochemical characterization and phosphorylation in RINm5F cells Mol. Endocrinol. 11, 619-629, 1997 |
O. Werz, N. Schneider, M. Brungs, E.-R. Sailer, H. Safayhi, H.P.T. Ammon and | D. Steinhilber A test system for leukotriene synthesis inhibitors based on the in-vitro differentiation of the human leukemic cell lines HL-60 and Mono Mac 6 Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch. Pharmacol. 356, 441-445, 1997 |
H.P.T. Ammon, M. Bacher, W.F. Brändle, A. Waheed, M. Roenfeldt, M.E. El-Sayed, A.A.E. | Ahmed and M.A. Wahl Effect of fourty-eight-hour glucose infusion into rats on islets ion fluxes, ATP/ADP ratio and redox ratios of pyridine nucleotides J. Endocrinol. 156, 583-590, 1998 |
A. Wildfeuer, I.S. Neu, H. Safayhi, G. Metzger, M. Wehrmann, U. Vogel, H.P.T. Ammon | Effects of boswellic acids extracted from a herbal medicine on the biosynthesis of leukotrienes and the course of experimental autoimmune encephalomye¬litis. Arzneim.-Forsch. 48, 668-674, 1998 |
M.A. Wahl, I. Koopmann, H.P.T. Ammon | Oxidative stress causes depolarization and calcium uptake in the rat insulinoma cell RINm5F Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. Diabetes 106: 173-177, 1998 |
E.-R. Sailer, S. Schweizer, S.E. Boden, H.P.T. Ammon, H. | Safayhi Characterization of an acetyl-11-keto--boswellic and arachidonate binding regulatory site of 5-li¬poxygenase using photoaffinity labeling. Eur. J. Biochem. 256: 364-368, 1998 |
I. Gupta, V. Gupta, A. Parihar, S. Gupta, R. Lüdtke, H. Safayhi, H.P.T. Ammon | Effects of boswellia serrata gum resin in patients with bronchial asthma: results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled, 6-week clinical study. Eur. J. Med. Res. 3, 511-514, 1998 |
T. Cartus, R.O. Heurich, G. Drews, H.P.T. Ammon | Distribution of protein phosphatases type 1 and 2A in RINm5F cells Regulatory Peptides 77, 77-81, 1998 |
R.F. Hörnlein, Th. Orlikowsky, C. Zehrer, D. Nietham¬mer, E.R. Sailer, Th. Simmet, G.E. | Dannecker, H.P.T. Ammon Acetyl-11-keto--boswellic acid (AKBA) induces apoptosis in HL-60 and CCRF-CEM cells and inhibits topoisomerase I J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ter. 288, 613-619, 1999 |
T. Glaser, S. Winter, P. Groscurth, H. Safayhi, E.-R.Sailer, H.P.T. Ammon, M. Schabet, | M. Weller Boswellic acids and malignant glioma: induction of apoptosis but no modulation of drug sensitivity Br J Cancer 80, 756-765, 1999 |
H. Safayhi, S.E. Boden S. Schweizer, H.P.T. Ammon | Concentration-dependent potentiating and inhibitory effects of boswellia extracts on lipoxygenase product formation in stimulated PMNL. Planta Med. 66, 110-113, 2000 |
S. Schweizer, A.F.W. von Brocke, S.E. Boden, E. Bayer, H.P.T. Ammon, H. Safayhi | Workup-dependent formation of 5-lipoxyenase inhibitory boswellic acid analogues J Nat Products 63: 1058-1061, 2000 |
S. Schweizer, K. Eichele, H.P.T. Ammon, H. Safayhi | Acetoxy group of genuine AKBA (acetyl-11-keto--boswellic acid) is -configurated. Planta Med. 66, 781-782, 2000 |
T. Leiers, A. Bihlmayer, H.P.T. Ammon, M.A. Wahl | [Ca2+]i- and insulin-stimulating effect of the non-membranepermeable phosphatase inhibitor microcystin-LR in intact insulin-secreting cells (RINm5F) Br. J. Pharmacol. 130: 1406-1410, 2000 |
A.M. Hennige, N. Lembert, M.A. Wahl, H.P.T. Ammon | Oxidative stress increase potassium efflux from pancreatic islets by depletion of intracellular calcium stores Free Radical Research 33: 507-516, 2000 |
S.E. Boden, T. Bertsche, H.P.T. Ammon, H. Safayhi | MEK-1/2 inhibition prevents 5-lipoxygenase translocation in N-formylpeptide-challenged human neutrophils Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 32: 1069-1074, 2000 |
A. Enderle, E. Held-Föhn, P. Zschocke, M. Doser, N. Lembert, H.P.T. Ammon | Kapillarmembranen aus modifizierten Polysulfonen Biomaterialien 2, 70-75, 2001 |
N. Lembert H.C. Joos, L.A. Idal, H.P.T. Ammon, M.A. Wahl | Methyl pyruvate initiates membrane depolarization and insulin release by metabolic factors other than ATP. Biochem. 345-50, 2001 |
N. Lembert, P. Petersen, J. Wesche, P. Zschocke, A. Enderle, M. Doser, H. Planck, | H. D. Becker, H.P.T. Ammon In vitro test of new biomaterials for the development of a bioartificial pancreas Ann N Y Acad Sei, 271-6, 2001 |
P. Petersen, N. Lembert, S. Stenglein, H. Planck, H.P.T. Ammon, H.D. Becker | Insulin secretion from cultured islets encapsulated in immuno- and virus-protective capillaries Transplant Proc. 3520-2, 2001 |
Gupta, A. Parihar, P. Malhotra, S. Gupta,R.Lüdtke,H.Safayhi, H.P.T. Ammon | Effects of gum resin of Boswellia serratain patients with chronic colitis Planta Med, 391-5, 2001 |
A. Bihlmayer, H.P.T. Ammon, M.A. Wahl | Distribution and stimulation by gastrin-releasing peptide of protein kinase C subfamilies in Insulin-secreting cells. Neuroendocrinology, 352-7, 2001 |
N. Lembert, J. Wesche, P. Petersen, P. Zschocke, A. Enderle, H. Planck, H.P.T. Ammon | Macroencapsulation of rat islets withour alteration of insulin secretion kinetics Endocrinol, 352-7, 2001 |
Petersen, N. Lembert, J. Wesche, A. Enderle, P. Zschocke, M. Doser, N. Heyne, R. Viebahn, | H. Planck, H.P.T. Ammon, H.D. Becker Improved diffusion properties of a new polysulfone membrane for the development of an bioartificial pancreas. Transplant Proc., 1952-3, 2001 |
M. El-Dakhakhny, N. Mady, N. Lembert, H.P.T. Ammon | The hypoclycemic effect of Nigella saiva oil is mediated by extrapancreatic actions. Planta Med. 465-6, 2002 |
P. Petersen, N. Lembert, P. Zschocke, S. Stenglein, H. Plank, H.P.T. Ammon, H. D. Becker | Hydroxymethylated polysulphne for islet macroencapsulation allows rapid diffusion of insulin but retains PERV Transplant Proc. 194-5, 2002 |
B. Houdali, V. Nguyen, H.P.T. Ammon, M. Haap, W. Schechinger, F. Machicao, K. Rett, | H.U. Häring, E. D. Schleicher Prolonged glucose infusion into conscious rats inhibits early steps in insulin signalling and induces translocation of GLUT4 and protein kinase C in skeletal muscle Diabetologia 356-68, 2002 |
N. Lembert, L.A. Idahl, H.P.T. Ammon | K-ATP channel independent effects of pinacidil on ATP production in isolated cardiomyocyte or pancreatic beta-cell mitochondria Biochem Pharmacol, 1835-41, 2003 |
N. Lembert, J. Wesche, P. Petersen, M.Doser, H.D.Becker, H.P.T. Ammon | Areal density measurement is a convenient method for the determination of porcine islet equivalents withour counting and sizing individual islets Cell Transplant, 33-41, 2003 |
Houdali, H.G. Wahl, M. Kresi, V. Nguyen, M. Haap, F. Machicao, H.P.T. Ammon, W. Renn, | E.D. Schleicher, H.U. Häring Glucose oversupply increases Delta9-desaturase expression and its metabolites in rat skeletal muscle. Diabetologia, 203-12, 2003 |
N. Lembert, J. Wesche, P. Petersen, M. Doser, P.Zschocke, H.D. Becker, H.P.T. Ammon | Encapsulation of islets in rough surface, hydroxymethylated polysulfone capillaries stimulates VEGF release and promotes vascularization after transplantation Cell Transplant, 97-108, 2005 |
H.P.T. Ammon, O. Kelber, S.N. Okpanyi | Spasmolytic and tonic effect of Iberogast (STW 5) in intestinal smooth muscle Phytomedicine, 67-74, 2006 |